再び AMAZONとのカーライフを楽しむこととなったSUNAと仲間達の日々。
40年、50年、そして60年へとVOLVO AMAZONと共に辿るTime Trip。


5月8日(土)恒例の「TACC」ミーティングが夢の島の東京スポーツ文化会館(BunB)駐車場で行われました。車種、国籍、年式、型式、そして、2輪、3輪、4輪の分け隔てなく、「自動車好き」の「こだわりエンスージャスト」が”何となく”集まって出来た「Tokyo Ariake Car Club」の会合です。会長もいなければ、これといった会則も、当然会費もなく、あくまで、気の合った老若男女が集まっています。私も昨年、Volvo P1800のMさんのご紹介で仲間入りさせていただいたのですが、”気の良い”仲間が、35名にも増殖しています。中には6台のAMAZONと1台のPV544、2台のP1800がいますが、皆さん基本は「こだわりの旧車」がメインです。何の縛りもない、自由参加で「紳士淑女??」の「オトナの集い」ですから、毎回、誰が、どんな「こだわりの車」で現れるか分かりません。今回のミーティングには、AMAZONは、私を含めて2台が参加。
On May 8th, I participated in the TACC meeting at the parking lot of Yumenoshima sports plaza. This is a meeting place for people who like older cars, bikes and just about anything. There is no president no any rules and no club fee. I started participating at the introduction of Mr. M (Volvo P1800). The meeting now boasts about 35 members. In it there are 6 Amazons, 1 PV544, 2 P1800s. Since it is a loose gathering, no one quites knows what to expect when one participates. In this meeting there were 2 Amazons including myself. Instead of participating with a 3rd and 4th Amazon, Mr. O and Mr.M came with 2 of there old bicycles - an old Nishiki and Toei. He came fully dressed for the occasion reinacting the times of the old. Another rare entry was a Berkeley. This bright red 3 wheeler open 2 seater is a 1960 British "car". It comes with an air-cooled 2cylinder 250cc engine in the front - the same as a motorcyle. This means that this "car" is registered as a side-car BIKE” and does not need to go thru the car inspection not does it need a parking certificate. He only pays about 2,000 yen on auto taxes. But he doesnt need to wear a helmet as it is a 2 seater sportscar with a sequential shift like racingcar. The engine makes a lot of noise, but there are only 2 four wheelers, and 2 three wheelers existing in Japan. Another rare participant was a Porsche 930 - only 5 of sameyear these were manufactured. Also a Austin Healey with its crab eyes, Alfa Romeo Spider Veloce "Duet", Ferrari 456GT, Fairlady, Honda NSX. A lucky couple who had met at TACC and had gotten married recently added the icing to the Bouquet of a beautiful Spring outing.
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