再び AMAZONとのカーライフを楽しむこととなったSUNAと仲間達の日々。
40年、50年、そして60年へとVOLVO AMAZONと共に辿るTime Trip。


今、AMAZON「・122」の運転席と助手席側のドアウィンドウサッシ下側に、ドローイングテープでマーカーが付いています。先日、ガソリンスタンドのお兄さんが、「変なテープ付いてるので、取りましょうか?」と言うので、「ダメダメ、、、大事なテープだから、、、」と制止しました。これ、実は、「Giro di Karuizawa」出場のための「秘策」なのです。というのも、クラシックカーラリーは初出場ですが、ベテランのPV544のKさんやP1800のMさんから、お聞きして、独特の競技方法があることを知り、この前のゴールデンウィークの軽井沢“レッキ”で、何回も練習してきた証であり「秘策」なのです。
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Right now, there is a marker stuck to the door of the passenger side beow the window sash. When I went to the gasoline stand the other day, the attendant asked me whether I was aware that there was something stuck on my door and whether he should take it off. This is an important piece of tape and is my secret weapon for the Giro di Karuizawa. My friends Mr. K (PV544) and Mr. M (P1800) who are both experienced classic car rally-ist have taught me this little trick and I repeatedly practiced during my recce at Karuizawa. During a classic car rally, there are numerous special stages where you pull into a parking lot and you are told to do 30m in 7 sec, 150m in 21sec and so on- and it is timed to the last millisecond. The closer you come into the time, the higher you place in the rally. The time is recorded when the center of the front tire passes the measure. If you are in an open top car, you can lean out and adjust your time. But with the Amazon, the seat position is low and there is no hope to be able to see below the front tire. This is where the tape under the window comes in. During Golden Week holidays, we practiced by placing a tape on the road which would be the goal point, then went on until we were able to get the exact place where the tape on the passenger side and the goal line met the center of the front wheel. Try to remember when you were at driving school, the instructors used to tell you that the stop sign line should align to the triangle window. Its something like that.
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