再び AMAZONとのカーライフを楽しむこととなったSUNAと仲間達の日々。
40年、50年、そして60年へとVOLVO AMAZONと共に辿るTime Trip。


欧州出張から帰国し、ようやく、この週末にエンジンのバルブスプリングを新品に交換しました。そして、さっそく、”慣らし”運転です。ただ無闇に走っても面白くないので、ちょうど、28日(日)に横浜・赤レンガ倉庫駐車場で行われていた「Volvo P1800クラブ」のミーティングの顔を出すことにしました。やはり、このミーティングに参加するという黒AMAZONのMさんと首都高速の「大井PA」で合流。早朝のベイブリッジを2台のAMAZONを連ねて横浜まで快調に走りました。
After returning from Europe, I had my .122 valve springs changed to a brand new set. Now I will start breaking in the engine. Just driving around did not seem like much fun, so I decided to participate in the Volvo P1800 club meeting in Yokohama Red Brick plaza. Mr M with his black Amazon was also partipating so we hooked up at the Ooi PA. We drove over Yokohama bay bridge to Yokohama. Under cloudy skies and freezing weather, various P1800, P1800ES, a rare Volvo 480, and Dr. Amazon's red Amazon gathered together. Everybody opened up their bonnets and became engrossed in the topic of Volvos. The 3 Amazons joined the crowd and became the target of interviews and photo sessions. Like the Amazon, the P1800 have very detailed differences like the design of the front end, the position of the rear side gasoline intake, the accent emblem on the rear pillar, etc. In particular, the MY1964 seems to be the year that the most changes were made. There was a british green P1800 with a car # painted on it. The owner was lining up the old parts from the car and offering them up for free. Just as the Amazon owners, there were plenty of P1800 owners looking for a bargain part. The P1800 has the same engine a the Amazon, but the Amzon has a SU cab. Some of the P1800 seemed to be envious of the Amazon SU Cab.
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