- AMAZONと仲間達
- by suna
- 2011/12/19 月 17:59
On Dec 18th, TACC held its annual touring so I went out with my .122 Amazon to Hakone. 15 cars gathered at 10am at Ebina service area under clear blue skies. As there is no clear policy to be able to join the club, the club consists of a variety of makes and types - anything from imported cars to domestic cars. The Volvos were represented by Mr. K's PV533, Mr.T's 1800S and my .122 Amazon. Other than that there was a mix of Alfa Romeos, Corvettes, Jaguars, Bluebird 410SS, Honda N360 & NSX. The one car that stood out was Mr. T's Panhard 24BT (1967). I met him at the Jingu Gaien Classic Festa but this was his first long drive attempt. People started taking photos of our cars commenting that they had seen this before and used to drive this car, but when it came to the Panhard, noone knew quite what to make of it. It has beautiful rear styling, but the company no longer exists and is a rare species. So off we went thru Atsugi to Odawara Atsugi road, onto Hakone Shindo and into Daikanzan View Terrace. We spent some time talking about our cars as we took in the view of Mt. Fuji and then off again thru the winding roads of Tsubaki Line into Yugawara and onto Atami, up over Jyukoku Pass and making our way into our destination, Ashinoko Lake. But, the 860cc 2 cycle engine Panhard out on its first long drive could not make it over the Jyukoku Pass. We called on the help of JAF. The other cars safely made it thru the 150km drive and we all relaxed in the hot springs of Hakone and enjoyed ourselves thru the night. This is the last event of the year for my .122 and it will go back into hybernation until Spring. I hope all of you will welcome in a wonderful 2012.

On Dec 18th, TACC held its annual touring so I went out with my .122 Amazon to Hakone. 15 cars gathered at 10am at Ebina service area under clear blue skies. As there is no clear policy to be able to join the club, the club consists of a variety of makes and types - anything from imported cars to domestic cars. The Volvos were represented by Mr. K's PV533, Mr.T's 1800S and my .122 Amazon. Other than that there was a mix of Alfa Romeos, Corvettes, Jaguars, Bluebird 410SS, Honda N360 & NSX. The one car that stood out was Mr. T's Panhard 24BT (1967). I met him at the Jingu Gaien Classic Festa but this was his first long drive attempt. People started taking photos of our cars commenting that they had seen this before and used to drive this car, but when it came to the Panhard, noone knew quite what to make of it. It has beautiful rear styling, but the company no longer exists and is a rare species. So off we went thru Atsugi to Odawara Atsugi road, onto Hakone Shindo and into Daikanzan View Terrace. We spent some time talking about our cars as we took in the view of Mt. Fuji and then off again thru the winding roads of Tsubaki Line into Yugawara and onto Atami, up over Jyukoku Pass and making our way into our destination, Ashinoko Lake. But, the 860cc 2 cycle engine Panhard out on its first long drive could not make it over the Jyukoku Pass. We called on the help of JAF. The other cars safely made it thru the 150km drive and we all relaxed in the hot springs of Hakone and enjoyed ourselves thru the night. This is the last event of the year for my .122 and it will go back into hybernation until Spring. I hope all of you will welcome in a wonderful 2012.

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